Photo by Tyler Baker Photography
The Power of the Drum
The Power of the Drum pays homage to the power of the drum as a reflection of the resilience, adaptability, creativity, and autonomy of the Cuban Diaspora in the midst of struggle, crisis, and uncertainty. It is based on the premise that for the AfroCuban people, arts and culture are not just forms of entertainment, but messengers and affirmations of culture and spirituality that form an essential part of both collective and personal identities. At the center of Cuban arts and culture are the African drums, which were taken away when Africans were enslaved by the Spanish slave masters. In response they creatively used their own bodies as a form of instrument, maintaining their roots and traditions and remaining resilient through rhythm, community, spirituality, and dance.
Other collaborators on The Power of the Drum include Cecilia Ferreyra (Producer, Playwright, Art Director and Narrator), Raydel Martinez Portuondo (Assistant Choreographer and Dancer), Nathan Ouellette (Musical Director and Drummer), Tyler Baker (Artistic Photographer, Visuals and Exhibit), and Kena Leon (Stage Manager).
We are thrilled that Leo has been awarded one of the grants under the new Equity & Access in Arts Program. For more information on RISER Edmonton, visit
show schedule for 2022
April 8 - 7:30pm
April 9 - 2pm & 7:30pm
April 10 - 2pm
April 15 - 7:30pm
April 16* - 2pm & 7:30pm
April 17 - 7:30 pm
*ASL Interpretation available